Gum Treatments in Houston
Experience chronic bad breath? Notice your teeth seem loose? Think you may need gum treatments in Houston, TX? At Cura Smiles, we are proud to offer gum treatments that can help manage your condition and reduce your symptoms. Wondering if you may suffer from periodontal gum disease? Here are some common symptoms to look out for:
Chronic Bad Breath
Receding Gums
Tender Gums
Inflamed Gums
Bleeding Gums
Loose Teeth
Tooth Loss
Notice any of the above symptoms? Schedule your gum treatment in Houston right away. In its early stages, gingivitis can be reversed, saving you from frequent periodontal maintenance.

About Our Gum Treatments in Houston
Teeth Scaling – The teeth scaling process involves using specialized dental tools to thoroughly clean and scale the tooth, ensuring any plaque or tartar is removed.
Root Planing – Once teeth scaling is complete, your dentist will also use specialized tools to smoothen the roots of your teeth and provide a deep root cleaning, allowing your gums to attach properly and heal.
Patients that neglect to treat their periodontal gum disease often have increased risks of infection and tooth loss, resulting in further complications, more frequent required care, and more expensive treatment. We recommend routine dental visits, ensuring that any signs of periodontal gum disease can be addressed quickly before the disease becomes more advanced.
Schedule Your Gum Treatments in Houston, TX
Ready to get your periodontal gum disease under control? Contact Cura Smiles today to schedule your Houston gum treatments. Our practice is always accepting new patients, and we look forward to helping you manage your gum disease.